Winding & Warping

Winding & Warping Section

Winding Section equipped with 100 cone having a production capacity of 1000kgs/Month caters the requirement of loom section fully. Our Sectional Warping can process width upto 150”, with a warping capacity of 1,00,000 mtr/month. We can warp single counts Linen, Cotton and Polyester

Weaving Section

Auto Loom Section is installed with 24 Rapier Auto Looms. The weaving facility can handle various thickness of yarn from 2/80s to 2s yarn. The weaving facility can weave plain and dobby fabrics. Fabric width varying from 120cm to 420cm can be woven in our loom.


Sewing Section

Our sewing section has adequate number of machinery to cater all our sewing requirements which reduces the running cost and thus improve productivity.

Checking Section

We are equipped with three separate made up units, each specialized on their respective customer requirements. We ensure 100% inspection in all raw materials and fabrics in our checking unit with efficient checking team in a vast layout.

Needle Detector

Needle Detector & Packing Section

A fully spacious, luminous packing section with latest equipment with direct access to loading and unloading bays. All products have been thoroughly inspected with needed detector machine for detecting metal chips, needles and other metal parts inside the products.


Our testing laboratory is employed with knowledgeable and experienced personnels and the labs have been equipped with modern testing machines which performs all kinds of physical tests.

The list of test performed in the lab are as below,

  • Color Fastness to Rubbing.
  • Color Fastness to Washing.
  • Dimensional Stability.
  • Appearance after Wash.
  • GSM.
  • Print Durability.